Taking your stress out on your teeth
These days stress is part of many of our lives. Whether it’s a stressful job, health issues or running around with our kids stress is part of our day. A lot of times we relieve our stress by clenching or grinding on our teeth. Many of us don’t realize we do this because we take out our frustration in our sleep. However our teeth pay the price. We see patients with cracked and broken teeth or fillings from the pressure they exert on their teeth from grinding. This in turn costs the patient hundreds of dollars to restore their teeth and in some cases results in tooth loss. A simple device called a nightguard can prevent all of this and relieve the patient of the painful symptoms of grinding which include headaches, muscle tightness and tooth sensitivity. If you think you are experiencing any of these or other similar symptoms talk to your dentist and he or she can make you a nightguard. Relief could only be an appointment away!!!