By: Joseph Pizzarello, DDS | Tags: Dental, oral health, Prevention | Comments:
The good news is that dental disease is preventable. You can practice preventive dentistry on yourself by adopting these healthy habits: Always remember to brush your teeth twice a day, floss between teeth once a day, eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks. And don’t forget to schedule regular dental visits. By following a healthy dental routine and making smart food choices, you can lower your risk for tooth decay.
About Dr. Pizzarello
Dr. Joseph Pizzarello, DDS is the lead dentist at Family Dentistry located in Stoneham, MA. Pizzarello & Silvestro Family Dentistry provides dental services for the entire family and specializes in CERAC crowns, smile reconstructions, and full service dentistry. We can handle everything from regular checkups and cleanings to full on emergency dentistry and specialty dental procedures at our offices. If you have questions or would like to book an appointment, please give us a call at (781) 369-5101!