

Aug, 2013

Important news for Arthritis Sufferers!

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(1888PressRelease) July 25, 2013 – It may seem strange how some diseases are linked, but as more and more research is done, we find those links do exist. Takerheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease. Symptoms include pain, swollen joints and stiffness. Several studies examining the relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease have been made in the past ten years. Perhaps the strongest statement made by any of the studies was from Australia and reported in the Journal of Periodontology, “The results of this study provide further evidence of a significant association between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis.” The researchers […]


Dental Disease is preventable

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The good news is that dental disease is preventable. You can practice preventive dentistry on yourself by adopting these healthy habits: Always remember to brush your teeth twice a day, floss between teeth once a day, eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks. And don’t forget to schedule regular dental visits. By following a healthy dental routine and making smart food choices, you can lower your risk for tooth decay.



May, 2013

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Gearing up for my first Guided Surgery Case on Tuesday! I will be placing 6 implants in less than an hour, with great accuracy. Time to put all the high tech gadgets and training to the test. I am pumped!


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It has been a long, long snowy winter and it has taken its toll on all of us. Beach and bikini weather will be here soon. DON’T PANIC! Take the first annual Family Dentistry Fitness Challenge. Crystal is leading this months challenge with a 30 day sit up crunch challenge. Every day we will post the days challenge. May 1st 50 sit ups or crunches!


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Stoneham Youth Softball is resurfacing their fields!  Family Dentistry and other Stoneham business are happy to support this effort.  Have a great 2013 Season!