
Get a better nights sleep!

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If you ever wake up with a heachache, a sore jaw and your teeth hurt it may be time to consider a nightguard. Our lives are busier than ever and many times we take that stress out on our teeth. Grinding and clenching can lead to chipped and broken teeth and a nightguard can reduce that risk and save you time and money in the dental chair!  



Mar, 2013

Canker Sores

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Many patients come to us complaining of those annoying little sores that sting when they have something acidic to eat or drink. The medical term for these sores are apthous ulcers aka canker sores. We have many patients present with them in our office and most often they are due to some trauma inflicted to the area or can be associated with stress. Other reasons include frequent intake of spicy or acidic foods. However they can signal a more serious problem such as a vitamin deficiency or a gastrointestinal  problem […]


What to do if you have a problem with a new filling.

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Do not ignore it. In most cases a simple adjustment can be made to completely resolve the problem. Some times when a patient is anesthetized (numb) their bite changes. When the dentist checks the occlusion (bite), everything looks ok but it really isn’t. Once the anesthesia wears off and the patient has a meal, the discomfort begins because of interference between the teeth. I see this occur from time to time and the fix is simple and painless. Occasionally a patient may wait to “tough it out”. This may lead […]


Taking your stress out on your teeth

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These days stress is part of many of our lives. Whether it’s a stressful job, health issues or running around with our kids stress is part of our day. A lot of times we relieve our stress by clenching or grinding on our teeth. Many of us don’t realize we do this because we take out our frustration in our sleep. However our teeth pay the price. We see patients with cracked and broken teeth or fillings from the pressure they exert on their teeth from grinding. This in turn […]


Don’t let this happen to you

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I had a patient present to our office last March with pain due to an infection in his tooth. The treatment necessary to treat the tooth was a root canal. The patient was referred to the specialist for treatment and was then advised to return to our office for the permanent restoration. The patient did not return for a year due to financial limitations. When the patient finally returned to our office for tx the tooth had decayed to the point it was not restorable and needed extraction. Point of […]