May, 2015
What are the advantages of dental implants over dentures?
Dental implants replace missing teeth. Unlike dentures, dental implants are permanently fixed into the mouth by a dentist or dental surgeon and do not need to be removed for cleaning, eating or sleeping. Many people find dental implants to be much more convenient than dentures; here are a few of their advantages.
A permanent solution
Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. Once you have your implants fitted, they can last for many years, or even a lifetime. Dentures often need to be refitted, but implants can stay in place indefinitely. However, you should continue to have regular dental visits to make sure your teeth and gums remain healthy. Between dental visits, you can keep your dental implants clean by brushing them, just as you do with your own natural teeth. There are no detachable parts that you need to remove for cleaning; it’s just like having your natural teeth back again.
Eat your favorite foods!
Dental implants consist of crowns attached to titanium supports that are fixed securely into the gum. As a result, they are extremely stable – you can even bite down on a crunchy apple without any movement of your new teeth! Dental implants are a great option for people who have had difficulties getting dentures to stay securely in place while they are eating or talking.
Maintain a healthy smile
Losing some of all of your teeth can lead to even greater losses down the line. Without the forces that are naturally created when you chew and bite food, your jaw bone can become weak and bone loss can occur, potentially changing the shape of your face. Dental implants transmit the chewing forces directly into the jaw bone, encouraging bone growth and helping your jaw to stay strong and healthy.
If you have already suffered bone loss in your jaw, then you may still be able to have dental implants fitted. Your Massachusetts dental surgeon can inserts titanium structures into your jaw bone as part of a mouth reconstruction procedure. The implants are then fixed onto the titanium structures to rebuild your smile. To find out whether this smile reconstruction technique would be suitable for you, contact a family dentist or dental surgeon in Melrose or Reading to discuss dental implants.
Looking good!
Dental implants are capped with realistic-looking crowns. As a result, you can smile with confidence, safe in the knowledge that you are showing off a natural-looking healthy smile. No-one has to know that the implants are not your real teeth if you would rather keep this knowledge to yourself.
Dental implants in the Winchester and Wakefield areas
If you live in Wakefield, Winchester, Melrose, Reading, Stoneham, Burlington or Woburn, then you can book a dentist appointment today to find out whether you could benefit from dental implants. During your dental checkup, you will have the opportunity to ask the dentist any questions you may have about dental implants and their suitability for you.